Free Microbusiness Summit on February 24 at Las Vegas City Hall
Free event for microbusinesses with fewer than ten employees and future entrepreneurs.

GoDaddy, the City of Las Vegas, Workforce Connections, and Bank of Nevada are co-hosting a free event for microbusinesses with fewer than ten employees and future entrepreneurs on Saturday, February 24, 2024 from 9 am to 1 pm at the Las Vegas City Hall.
Entrance and parking are free, but registration is encouraged at
Data shared by GoDaddy’s Venture Forward research initiative shows Southern Nevada is a mecca for microbusinesses, which are companies with fewer than ten employees, a unique web domain and an active website. At almost 28 microbusinesses per 100 people, the city of Las Vegas operates more than three times the number of microbusinesses per capita than the national average. In fact, more than 335,000 microbusinesses call the city of Las Vegas home.

The summit will focus on topics that local entrepreneurs find as top challenges: access to funding, online marketing, and business licensing.
Dr. Desirae King, a small business owner and noted motivational speaker, will deliver welcome remarks at 9:30 am. Gourav Pani, President of US Independents at GoDaddy, will be the keynote speaker at 9:45 am. And Attendees may drop into the Resource Fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to speak one-on-one with local business agencies who can answer questions.