Miss Fabulous is Las Vegas Own Fabulous Pageant

Miss Fabulous is Las Vegas Own Fabulous Pageant

August 6, 2022 – Las Vegas - Miss Fabulous Pageant  Las Vega's own Beauty Pageant.  It was founded by Ellen Stokes,  who is known as the Miss Fabulous, and creator of one of the sought-after pageants in Vegas. “Fabulous – inside and out”  is defined by Ellen.

Ellen  Stokes said Miss Fabulous is created from a unique beauty pageant affiliated with a vision of the charity.  Beauty is magnified like a charm of the crystal when mixed with Charity, she said  In that context, Vega's most talked-about pageant was born. Miss Fabulous Las Vegas  Pageant was founded in 2017.

Ellen Stokes in her Iconic Photo

As a beauty pageant owner and producer. Ellen has been around going to a variety of beauty pageants and fashion shows to incorporate what she has learned as the best of the trade in the pageant industry.  Her experience is rolled into a first-hand experience for and to be a contestant, a judge, or an organizer. She learned the pageant in several disciplines for local and international shows.

Project Fabulous is a phrase with Mental Health maintenance that believes in mentorship through pageantry while breaking the traditional pageant barriers in assisting everyone to “Find Fabulous – inside and out!!". “Lovely,” say Joseph Magno, a talent news correspondence of Las Vegas Daily.   “It's very original,”  says Isabel Duron, evening news editor of Los Angeles Daily.  

 Mental health is a huge impact on our society, said Ellen Stokes  As a result, she has several reasons to give awards to the deserving yearly.   Tea parties and fashion shows are part of her program to build confidence amongst the models and uplift the fashion designers' position in the glamour industry.   She calls it simply her charity work embodies advocacy for a greater cause.

The search is on for the #MissFabulousAmericaFilipina2022
www.fabulouscrowns.com  Cell: 702-881-8702